Make the most of the water

Inspired by the amazing physical and mental health benefits of outdoor activity, the Outdoor Swimmer Shop provides a unique ‘one-stop’ shop for adventurous people, who like us, eagerly embrace the spirit of the outdoors and thrive in the freedom of an untamed environment.

Although, as the name suggests, the Outdoor Swimmer Shop has been created with a primary focus on open water swimmers and their requirements, we are so much more.

The Outdoor Swimmer Shop is ‘home’ to an incredible and diverse range of products which we feel perfectly reflect our purpose, which is inspiring people to embrace all kinds of outdoor adventures, regardless of age or ability.

We champion small, unique British brands which not only share the same strong environmental and ethical values but also our love of the water and the ‘outdoors’, and together we have created a place where you will find all your essential companions for your everyday adventures.

Wild swimmers, dippers, open water lovers, paddlers, water sport enthusiasts, explorers, adventurers and those of you who just enjoy getting lost in nature……… welcome to the Outdoor Swimmer Shop

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